In today’s business world there are a number of emerging trends that are impacting and influencing the digital workplace. The rise of AI and machine learning is, for many, a decisive factor that has raised engagement and empowered people. New insights enable businesses to utilise tools and applications to deliver their jobs. By following how people use these systems, machine learning can create learning pathways to the individual to enhance their use of a service, increasing efficiency and productivity levels further.
The focus on engagement and empowerment and the rise of user adoption of other platforms are transforming the way businesses work with technology partners. Users are now expecting suppliers to have adoption management specialists and have a specific management methodology to implement new technologies within the workplace. The level of adoption and user satisfaction is becoming a specific factor to measure overall performance. Applying this process can empower employees to generate better outcomes.
The rise of innovative and intelligent technology
Technology today is capable of gathering information from users and implementing changes to their functionality to enhance user experience and improve business activities. Many businesses are applying machine learning processes to analyse business activities and monitor any changes or potential disruption to their overall business. Performance. Such techniques are enhancing efficiency, saving money and improving overall business performance levels.
A streamlined, more simplistic service
In order for certain application to integrate with other systems that employees commonly use today, there is a growing trend of a more simplistic user interface emerging. Recent innovations have enabled a certain task to become simpler by using a streamlined and user-friendly system. Despite this ‘simplistic’ shift in devices, many experts highlight that applications are still continuing to become more intelligent.
A smarter digital workplace
May clients are keen to explore methods of enhancing their digital workplace strategy and design a brand that really makes them stand out from others. The emergence of smart spaces, that focus on combining environments with people and processes to generate higher levels of efficiency and productivity.
The business of the future is looking at taking a more holistic approach, combining HR, Finance, IT and other business areas together to deliver a collaborative strategy that promotes culture, enhances inclusion and is more cost-efficient. Many clients have adopted a smart space strategy resulting in massive energy saving costs by measuring multiple sources of data on heating, cooling, weather and other factors.
Machine learning and analytics can play a critical part in optimising space utilisation. Due to recent accounting regulation changes, space expenses for a business are clearly visible on balance sheets. This means many businesses are looking for ways to reduce their overall office space footprint whilst continuing to maintain high levels of employee satisfaction.
Some businesses are utilising data from other relevant room-booking applications, combined with Wi-Fi and sensor information to determine where people are and how they are working together. Other businesses are designing physical collaborative areas as an alternative option to underused video-conferencing services and are experiencing an increase in engagement and a reduction in costs.
Data authenticity is clearly on the main agenda
Data has become an essential tool for businesses to achieve their underlying goals. This growing reliance on data, however, has generated concerns with the use of unverified data sources. Research by Accenture suggested that nearly 80% of business executives believe that companies are implementing their most critical systems and strategies based on data, yet many have not invested in the systems to verify the authenticity of the data. If analytical professionals avoid the verification of data their decisions could potentially be detrimental to the business. For those that are implementing verification, strategies rely on machine learning to verify data from various applications, smart space and employee engagement, enabling accurate assessments and the ability to continuously improve their business processes.
Some leading businesses are utilising machine learning to predict financial results. These companies have confidence in ML to generate a more accurate prediction of what their figures will be in the future. Data verification is a growing trend and represents another part of the bigger movement towards collaborating to create solutions.
Analysts believe that throughout this year, businesses will be more proactive to engage and empower their employees. IT teams will likely increase their efforts to communicate with employees to create a better understanding of how technology can really empower their everyday lives. AI and Machine Learning will play a pivotal role in this new trend of engaging and empowering people.
Through further insights, IT can display the tools and applications available to employees and display everything that can be done to perform their jobs to their best ability. Through a better understanding of how people use applications, machine learning can create learning pathways to each individual to enhance the adoption of specific services, increasing both efficiency and productivity.